Take advantage of automated testing in your STEM courses!
Free yourself from the cost and effort of paper-and-pencil assessment, while still asking exactly the questions you want to ask, even in your mathematics-based courses! Maple T.A. is powerful online testing and assessment software designed especially for courses involving mathematics. Its unparalleled abilities allow instructors to truly assess student understanding of math-based concepts, making it ideal for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses. With Maple T.A. you can:
- Ask the questions you want to ask, and have them graded intelligently, the same way you would
- Provide instant feedback to your students
- Give your students lots of opportunities to practice without adding to your workload
- Limit cheating while encouraging productive collaboration
- Spend less time marking and more time on other aspects of the course
- Offer as many assignments as you feel your students need, without being limited by teaching assistant availability
- Identify and correct conceptual misunderstandings immediately
- Eliminate logistical problems, from lost assignments to “grading parties” and the nightmare of arranging large-scale
See more info on Maple T.A. on www.maplesoft.com.